Hauschildt Marine A/S new design of EL-passenger ferry intended for Autonomous sailing for inland waters.

Fjordbussen will be the name of the new EL-passenger ferry, which “Centre for Logistics and Collaboration” (CLS) in 2021 has decided to purchase. The EL-passenger ferry will be a fully electric prototype vessel, including electric propulsion, for the crossing of Limfjorden between Aalborg and Nørresundby, Denmark. Fjordbussen will, after delivery from shipyard, serve as a platform for developing and testing autonomous sailing technology intended for passenger transport.

11. May 2021

Hauschildt Marine A/S has developed the new innovative EL-ferry tender design and specification with focus on no-emission, low energy consumption and future autonomous operation.

The EL-ferry will be built in lightweight materials to ensure low energy consumption together with excellent maneuvering and rapid acceleration, which is needed for efficient operation on the short crossing of the Limfjorden, Denmark.

As the new EL-passenger ferry is intended for autonomous operation, the public spaces are designed for easy, logical, and safe passenger flow.  All systems and layouts are designed for minimum maintenance requirements, to ensure an economical efficient waterway crossing.

As the EL-ferry is intended to be an integrated part of the beautiful maritime environment of the Limfjord, the exterior design has been a great focus. The design is intended to portray traditional crossing of the fjord by fixed bridges, merged into a future network of autonomous zero-emission EL-ferries; symbolized in this ferry design by a curved grid structure of windows.


Hauschildt klar med nyt elfærge-design


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